FAQ Overview

Account management

Create a massejli account

First, login to the site my.massejli.com Press on new user register with plus sign (+) beside it, you will  move to a new page to enter the information Initially, choose the account name that you want , maybe your name or the company name, it should have suits the conditions: Small letters, or Numbers , and No special characters Next, enter your first and last name . in the box of job or company enter the name of yours. Enter the password that should be more than 6 characters and contains caps and small letters and numbers. Put your email or your company’s email that you use daily Add your phone number with the country code without adding 00, besides the number should not starts with 0 example; in  Lebanon customers that starts their number with 03 should directly enter 3. Finally, solve the equation and press submit.

Then an account will be created for you in my.massejli.com and a similar account to manage bills in phptransformer.net you can log in into phptransformer.net with the same email and password that you entered the first time .

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-06-18 11:02



On the home page enter account name and password then press on submit

After loging to your account your personal picture will appear as you can change it, your last log in to our website, and my account that we can edit our information from  it, this will be explained later on .

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-06-18 11:04

Activate massejli account for the first time

 Click on start work, then we will move you to a new page.

You will notice that there are locks next to each service and this is because you have not activated the number yet. To add a new number, press on the service numbers, then add a new number.

You will write the WhatsApp number that you want to use massejli service on with the country code without adding two zero or plus at the beginning, and it should be noted here that the number must not contain a zero after the country code, for example in Lebanon users of 03 numbers must start their numbers only with 3,

and from Then we choose the package we want.

you will write the name of the number and the password for the account and press Add number. Now go to your email and you will receive a link from phptransformer.net Click on the link and put your email and password the same as the one you used on your Massejli account for the first time.

After logging in to phptransformer.net click on bills and a list of unpaid bills will appear in front of you, click on bills, you will choose the available payment methods that you want, and you pay, when you finish this step, you can return to your account on massejli to scan the QR code from WhatsApp Web from your mobile to activate the service from the number you previously added. Thus, you will have created an account on MyMassejli, in addition to activating the service on WhatsApp

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2022-11-18 12:41

Logout of massejli


When you finish using your account on Massejli, it is recommended to click on Logout located at the end of the blue sidebar. This is to maintain the security of your account, especially if you are using a shared computer.

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-06-18 11:05

My Account "Edit account information"

 You can modify all your account information except for the email and account name by logging into the home page, then log in to your account on Massejli, then click on the word My Account.

You will be taken to the member control panel page. You can modify the password and many other information in addition to your personal photo by clicking on the pen and paper symbol in the General Information field. Click on the Save button when making the amendment.

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-06-18 11:07

Bills and Payments

 In order to be able to view the bills and payments, we have linked your account to phptransformer.net, and you can access it by logging into the home page, log in to your account on Massejli, then you have to click on the word Accounting You will go to your account on phptransformer.net, and click on invoices to be able to pay and view the invoices and payments related to your account.

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-06-18 11:08

Send messages

The content of the message "Multimedia"

Click "Send message"  in the blue sidebar enables you to type the message you want to send. Write the message title in the field assigned to it, so the title will appear in bold when sending, and  content type  that you want to send in the message content box.

You can also send emojis by clicking on the face to the left of the message content field. But if you want a message with a ready-made template, you must click on the general settings section and design the template that you want to follow.

you will find the explanation in the settings. You can send a multimedia message supported by WhatsApp such as jpg jpeg png gif audio and music mp3 type mp4 video documents as pdf doc docx xls xlsx ppt pptx csv vcf You can send text with one file of each type in a single message. To send multiple multimedia files, press choose file button repeatedly after completing the current file upload. You can send a YouTube video by copying the video link in the field designated for it and clicking the enter button

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-06-18 11:13

The target audience and timing

 Choose the number that will send the message, and then specify the recipient to them: to all groups contained in the number or to all contact who contacted the service numbers even if If you are not already saved in your contact list unlike the broadcast on the WhatsApp application.

you should note that in case the transmission is stopped on The audience page for the service number to a group or a contact number, the message will not reach him, in this way you can exclude someone.

You can also create a list of numbers by clicking on it, and then click on select the list if you have already listed it, or create a new one by clicking on the plus sign. The list can contain a maximum of 1,000 names. Give a name to the list and then enter the numbers, One number on each line with the country code without adding two zeros or plus at the beginning, and it should be noted here that the number must not contain a zero after the country code, for example in Lebanon must be Users of 03 numbers should only start their numbers with 3, for example: the number 03321654 should be typed 9613321654.

when finished, click Save and make sure to click the Save button when you make any changes. If the numbers are incorrectly written, massejli will exclude them from the numbers sent to them. To determine the sending time, you have to choose between sending the message now, or sending the message at a specific time, and to schedule the last one, you must click on it and specify the day and time of sending.

When you have finished writing your message and selecting the sender and the sender to it, all you have to do is press the Send Message button.

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-06-18 11:17

Is there any limit on audio size in MB, that can be sent using the massejli API to whatsapp contacts or whatsapp groups?

The limitation is set by WhatsApp, no Massejli

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2024-10-23 17:57


Create a campaign


 To add a campaign or search for a campaign, you must click on the campaigns tab in the blue sidebar. To search for a campaign, you can put the campaign name, start and end date, and the status, is it ready or not ready, started or ended, or canceled, and you can search by typing the contains tag.

Click on Add Campaign to create a new campaign, type the name of the campaign you want to add, give it tags, and it should be noted that you must press enter between one tag and the other. Then select the start and end date by clicking on the calendar, after that select the start time of the campaign by moving the box from the right side as it represents the start hour and the square on the left represents the end time and do not forget that the daily period of the campaign is 12 hours as a maximum, in order to avoid To send annoying messages at the end of the night. When you  finish adding new campaign information, click Save.

Edit your campaign by clicking on the pen symbol next to the campaign name, and fill in its content by clicking on Add Message. You will move to a new page. Type the message title in the field assigned to it, and thus the title will appear in bold when sending, and type the content that you want to send in the message content box, and you can send the emoji also by clicking on the face to the left of the message content box.

But if you want a message with a ready-made template, you must click on the general settings box and write the template you want to follow - explanation in the settings. You can send a multimedia message supported by WhatsApp such as jpg jpeg png gif, audio and music mp3 type mp4, video documents as pdf doc docx xls xlsx ppt pptx csv vcf, You can send a text with one file of each type in a single message.

To send it, press the Select File button to upload. You can send a YouTube video by copying the video link in the field designated for it. You can delete the campaign by clicking on the red trash can.  

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-06-18 11:19

The difference between send message and add campaign

The difference between sending message and adding campaign is to see the statistics after the campaign or during it, in addition to the target audience feature where you can reach the largest possible part of people during a short period of time , in addition to that you can send through groups or contacts or by downloading a file excel contains the numbers you want to send to them, with some pressure on the number list.

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-06-18 11:19

Data Tables

Create a file in data table

 You can send messages to each person separately by insert them in excel only

click on the plus sign in the data table to show you a new page, choose a name for the table and click on choose file. The excel file must contain integer numbers with the country code without adding 00, besides the number should not starts with 0 example; in  Lebanon customers that starts their number with 03 should directly enter 3. Then select the number of column by clicking on it and then click on Save.

if massejli does not automatically recognize it. You can arrange tables according to ID, name, rows count , columns count , or their orientation in ascending or descending order.

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-06-18 11:22

Link the data table to send message

Go to Send message, and choose to send it to table, but when writing the message content, you must stick to the column numbers between the brackets {{}} and the phone number {{phone}}. For example, if your data table contains the name of the customers in Column 3, you must copy {{3}} and place it in the place where you want the customer's name to appear in the message, and the program will automatically replace this phrase with the customer's name upon sending.

You can also type or paste the phrase {{phone}} at the location where you want to display the phone number. And choose the files that you want to attach to the message.

And press Send.  

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-06-18 11:22

Chat Bot

Auto learning

 when you enter subjects to program chat bot ,obviously you will not be able to know all the vocabularies the contact might use, hence we have created a Auto educational program, so when chat bot does not find a replying subject for the contacts it will save these sentences for you to revise it later and depend it in the system. this interface's method of work is greatly similar to the subjects but with an addition related to who knows chat bot, meaning the number of the caller who spoke to it, this person might be an employee you had used to teach chat bot. where his number and two emoji faces "good and bad " are shown under each highlighted subjects, useful to evaluate this person, and the number of good and bad points he had attained.

when you finish save the changes so that it can be applied on the system.

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-05-11 12:25

Add subject

That all the numbers in your massejli account have one chat bot, it is preferable that the subject be fragmented and accurate.

The chat bot is presented in the language spoken by the contact, provided that you have added this language and entered the subject on it, and this is done by pressing Add Language, and thus adding subjects, a window will appear in front of you. Type the subject command, the answer title and the answer subject and then click Add Subject.

 Click on the subject that you have added, two boxes will appear, the first field for adding the message which means adding the supposed message sent to you, and the second field for adding the answer, the answers with which the chat bot will respond automatically.

The threads that have a gray background adjacent to the webhook URL.

You can import and download chat bot subject to and from massejli.

Do not forget to click the save button when you are finished adding, editing, or saving subject

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-06-18 11:25


Catalog introduction

Press catalog in the blue sidebar, and create a new catalog for all the numbers in your account.

The catalog is the website of your store, but it is linked to WhatsApp, and it is not necessary for the visitor to have a user name and password to enter it, in addition to that it is trusted with the phone number of the contact and we can linked it in the FAQ menu list, you can also add a large number of products, and it is easy to browse for the elderly as well .

Do not forget the planning stage before creating the catalog

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-06-22 12:57

Catalog configuration

 First, you will choose the language or languages ​​of the catalog by clicking on the Language button, and you will be required to use these languages ​​to enter products, and you can choose more than one language by pressing the ctrl button on the keyboard and selecting other languages.

 Secondly, if you choose the default language "English", this language will be used when the information is not available in the chosen language chosen by the visitor. Don't forget to click Save.

Upload the catalog logo and the first page advertisement by clicking on Choose File, provided that the file is of type jpg jpeg png gif.

Type the name of the catalog and the currency you want to use, for example dollar or the currency of the country you want in the fields designated for them. After entering the prices and there is a change in the price on all products, you can write the percentage in the field "The rate of change of all prices."

The same applies to the delivery value and the tax value.  You can choose to show a field for the customer to enter an email or not. Add your payment link, to receive your order details in json format.

You can link the catalog with the chat bot in the Catalog footer content field in the language, so it appears with the list of modifications so write the command and the content that you want to give to the chat bot The message after the order enables you to send a message to the shopper, such as a thank you. You will write emails or phone numbers for which you want the order details to reach. You can allow or prohibit some numbers from entering the catalog, by placing the numbers in the fields assigned to them. It should be noted here that the number must not contain a zero after the country code, for example in Lebanon users of 03 numbers must start their numbers only with 3

Choose the color of the catalog you want. Choose the number of product results and the number of preferred results that will appear to the customer every time they visit the catalog. As for the number of results when you bring more, it is the number of products that will appear when the customer reaches the end of the page and requests to see more results. Make sure to press the Save button.

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-06-22 14:08

Catalog Category

 You can classified products by categories, press add categories, choose the category photo type jpg jpeg png gif. Then give it a name, make sure to press the Save button.

You can get a specific category of products in the field and quantities of the number of products in this case by their code and objectives by clicking on the trash can. You cannot create a subcategory within a main category

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-06-22 13:01

Catalog products

You can list products in each category, by clicking on Add Product.

If you want to list the product among the favorite products, press the star button, and to hide it from the catalog without deleting it, click on the eye, then enter the product code.

type the product variables such as color and size, then choose the category that you want to list the product under its name, choose the product name and write it Explanation Around it. Add the image or pictures, or video, that you want to attach to this product, and choose the display image you want to adopt.

Click on Add Image and Pricing, type the price, specify the number of pieces and place their pictures. Enter the product code, the title of the quotation, and an explanation of the pricing. The pricing is a detailed price for the same product, but with different features, for example a black shoes whose price differs from a brown shoes.

You can also add a video. Do not forget to make sure that you click Save.

You can preview the catalog before publishing it, and when you finish  click on Publish to the cloud to be in use.

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-06-22 14:52

Service phone numbers

Service number expressions

 When you enter the service numbers field in the blue sidebar, the number that we added when creating the account will appear, and several terms will appear in front of you exemple:

  • The number is inactive = the service is suspended
  • The number is active = the service is connected to the WhatsApp application
  •  Accounting department = late payment of the bill
  •  Not equipped yet = The service activation for this number has not been accepted by the administration
  •  Offline = the service is active, but WhatsApp is not connected or the Internet is weak on the phone
  •  QR code must be scanned from WhatsApp web from the phone
  •  There is no scheduled message:  there are no temporary messages.
  • Delete messages: Delete all scheduled messages

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-06-18 11:28

Number preferences

 The admin number is the number of the person who receives the notifications, for example if you want to inform him if someone speaks in the WhatsApp group, and if you activate the transfer of all messages to the admin’s number, a copy of it will arrive at the admin’s number. This option protects the manager’s privacy by allowing him to receive messages via Service number and then transferred to his number. It should be noted that this number must be with the country code without adding two zeros or plus at the beginning, and it should be noted here that the number must not contain a zero after the country code, for example in Lebanon users of 03 numbers must start their numbers only with 3.

Enable automatic learn: You can teach the automatic response chat bot, in addition to activating the collection of conversations that you did not know to respond to through the conversations of callers, it is preferable not to turn this feature on.

Time zone : When sending a message and placing the date at the bottom, we adopt the date and time according to this time zone.

Allow transferring messages from a group: to speed up the process of sending messages directly from the WhatsApp application without the need to log in via my.massejli.com or from your web site in the event that it is linked via api, you can create a special group through the WhatsApp application and call it massejli or put an id number Your own in number options.

After you put the numbers of the sending groups, you must specify the entity you want to transfer messages from massejli group to, which is:
Forward everyone: When a message is sent to a group receiving messages on WhatsApp, the message will be distributed to all groups and callers.
Forwarding groups only: When a message is sent to a group receiving messages on WhatsApp, the message will be distributed to the groups only.
Forward private only: When a message is sent to a group receiving messages on WhatsApp, the message will be distributed to callers only, not to the groups.

Mark as read on messages: massejli reads incoming messages to process them. By default, when reading, WhatsApp puts a valid blue flag to indicate that it has been read. You can disable this option or turn it on from here.

Enable FAQ menu: From here you can enable and disable the list, so it does not appear when you update the callers with the number.

Sending default reply can be activated to automatically return the chat bot, and you can modify them through the chat bot as well as for activating the chat bot.

You can activate the sending list and choose if you want it to be sent to a caller after the default response.

You can specify the days and hours that you want the chatbot to respond to who is speaking with it.

You can import and download the settings that you wrote and don't forget to press the save button to save the number prefrences

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-06-22 12:41

whatsapp Groups link

If you are a holder of WhatsApp groups, you can collect them in one link instead of posting a lot of links.

When the contact clicks on the link to enter one of the groups, massejli enters him into one of the groups. Which relieves you the burden of manual entry of participants in the group, and you can put links to direct conversations on the private as well.

To add links, click on the subscription links, select the group name, then click on the plus sign and copy the group link that you find in the WhatsApp application, put a name for the link.

then put the full link https://wa.massejli.com/user This will be the main subscription link for your account, but instead of the word user, it will be your account name.

You can post the subscription link in the template used during sending the message within the settings or in the chat bot for contacts to see with each post. Don't forget to click on Save Links

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-06-18 11:27


Each number added has its own audience. It is always better to send messages to people who contacted you in advance, because sending messages to new people frequently may be subject to a ban by the WhatsApp company, especially if you were reported by them.

You can search the audience page in several fields, by typing the name or number, choosing business numbers, by specifying the time of the last incoming message or the last message sent, you can specify only individuals or groups or both. Determine the number of participants in the groups or the list by which you want to filter the results.
When choosing the search field, do not forget to click on the Search button.

The registrars show you the number of people, the number of groups, the number of audiences who have previously contacted you.

You can activate the last incoming message and the last sent message. And you can analyze all.
After selecting the contacts, you will find at the end of the page three options, exit or block the selectors, or turn on sending for the selectors, and stop sending to the selectors.

Massejli is unique in displaying these statistics, which seem simple but enrich your business if you know that you analyze them well, for example if you sell a service on a daily basis and it becomes clear to you from the audience that one of them has not contacted you to request the service three days ago, this means that he is asking for it from a competitor for you too soon There is a problem that you must then communicate with in order not to lose it.
Another example, if you campaigned within a week, for example, you will contact with you during this period most of the people who are interested in the service that you marketed via WhatsApp.

you can download a list of them and target them later when you want to promote this service instead of sending the message to all the audience.

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-06-18 11:27

FAQ Menu

Create a FAQ Menu

 the FAQ Menu  automatically answers  all the contacts who will communicate  you, you can find it on the blue sidebar. When contacts talk to you , they will see a menu contains a many subjects for each subject or command a number or code that the contact sends so massejli will resend the answer to him.

The menu works with the chat bot you find in the blueside bar so they speaks as if it is a human being and interacts with your visitors. You can add, edit, and delete Subjects, but Massejli will not apply your edits unless you save the Menu.

You can add, edit, and delete Subjects, but Massejli will not apply your edits unless you save the Menu. Massejli can know the language that the contact speaks and show him a list of topics according to his language, so you can create lists in several languages, and if the contact speaks a language that you did not add, he will send the subjects in the default language that you specified in the settings.

Add New Language button will not appear before you first add it in the Settings. When you add a subject , you must specify its location first by clicking on it, for example, to add a main subject, select menu, then click on Add subject, and this also applies to the subtopics, so you must click on the main subject from which you want to branch the subject and then click on subject Massejli can retrieve the content of a page from the Internet to send it to the contact and attach it to the subject. For example, you can send the balance of the customer's account based on the phone number he is speaking from, or send him specific subject or his last bill.

Massejli will automatically communicates  all contact on the account after activating the chatbot from the number preferences. You can import a list of instructions to add it to another account or download a FAQ Menu of new modifications from another account as well. The title of the answer is usually marked in bold, but the content of the answer is in bold type.

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-06-18 11:30

Edit texts

If you want to edit a specific subject in the FAQ menu, select it and then click on edit subject, a new window will appear for you, type in the subject Command box a unique number or code and do not repeat it even in other languages. If you put the first subject in the Arabic language Command 11, put the command a11 in the English language.

It is preferred that the command be unique numbers and codes that are easy to send by the caller. Below the subject, you will find texts that massejli uses to communicate with the contact. You can edit them, and if you want to add a new language, you must translate it into the choosen language. Pay attention to the texts between the parentheses, it replaces them with certain values ​​and they can be edited in the settings. ex:

{group_id} with group id

{return-command} to reshow the previous list to the automatic secretary

{stop-bot-command} to stop the conversation with the bot /the automatic secretary

{end-chat-command} to finish the current conversation

also don’t forget that you can use whatsapp coordination like putting *tow stars* to make the font bigger.

It should be noted that the link used for programmers "is a page that includes the content in JSON format.  

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-06-18 11:31



Almost every smartphone in the world runs the WhatsApp application,the WhatsApp application is confirmed when you do it for the first time via the phone number, and the phone number is unique around the world, so you can take advantage of this feature to provide authentication of the validity of the contact's phone number for your location services instead of using SMS messages that are charged financially.

So when a new visitor registers on your site and you want to make sure that his phone number that he entered is really owned by him, we send a code to his number via WhatsApp to enter it on your site, and if it is correct, then you will verify this number.

The steps for the work of this service start from your site when you ask the visitor to request authentication via the WhatsApp service number, where you can put a special link for WhatsApp containing the subject matter responsible for sending the code, or you can write explicitly: Send the following word to the following number via WhatsApp until you get the authentication code.

When the contact talks to the number and sends him the appropriate command, we will generate a unique code for him and send it to you via a special link to a file on your site so that your site’s program knows it as well, where your program saves it to compare it later with the number that the visitor will enter in the field assigned to him on your site. Enter the same code that we sent you, and he will be the owner of the number that he registered with you, and his phone number will be successfully authenticated.

Also notes the authentication message can be displayed according to the language of the contact. Pay attention to the word between the parentheses where we replace it with the code that we generated {authcode}.

This service requires special programming. If you are not the developer of your site, you can communicate with the developer to program this service.
When a message arrives from a contact, massejli service analyzes this message to link it to a s through the chatbot or through the list and send this information to the webhook link in order for it to be processed.

The webhook link that will be called must be online and not within an internal network.

The information that massejli service will send you will be in json format and in utf8 format:

Phone number: It is the number on which massejli service has been activated, which helps you to distinguish the contact with any number he speaks in case you have more than one number in the same account.

The token authentication key: You can find it in the developers section of the WhatsApp section of the my.masseji.com website. It is useful for you to compare the token sent in the message to ensure that whoever sends you the information is the service of masssejli and not another party.

Contact: the phone number of the caller who is talking with your number.

Command: it helps you classify incoming messages from contacts. You must have entered it in the list or in the chatbot subject.

Message: The original text sent by the contact before being classified under a subject.
An example of the information you will receive from massejli service for a message from a contact:
{"phone": "964622445511", "token": "Demofdsf3453328987d3d34", "contact": "9613123456", "command": "opinion", "message": "my opinion is ..."}

When this information arrives at your webhook, you can process it and send a reply with a message in json format and in utf8 format, an example of the response:
{"message":"hello world"}

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-05-17 11:26

General Settings

Message template

As you can see in the template, there are words in parentheses that we replace with content according to their type.
For example, we replace {title} with the message title, {message} with the message content, {date} with the date of the message was posted, and {link} with the message link in case you use the api to link to your website.

This template is used to send a message and campaigns after activation.

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-05-12 14:19

General setting

When activating the chatbot and collecting information from the contact. you will execute a specific command by calling a link that contains these instructions, such as sending an email, the default value is http: //localhost/webhook.php, if you do not care about this, you can leave it blank.

Default language: massejli can distinguish the contact's language through the words that the contact writes, and not through the letters only because there are common characters between the languages. Default. Never enter a language that you did not actually use in the list, as this may affect how well your system works.

Selecting the option to send to a list of numbers by default: On the page of sending a message, the option to send to a list of numbers will be activated by default, useful for the speed of work with the interface

Selecting the option to send to a contact list by default: On the Send a message page, the option to send to a number list will be activated by default, useful for the speed of work with the interface

Session duration: It is the period during which if the caller does not speak with the number, we consider the new speech as a session to collect new information for the chatbot and ignore the old information. The default value is 360 seconds, or 6 minutes.

menu icon: the emoji at the beginning of every line in the list.

End conversation code: It is the code that if the contact sends it, it ends the conversation, but the conversation bot will re-show its main list when the contact sends any other word, its default value is 999

The bot stop code: The contact who wants to talk to a normal person can stop the chatbot and the list by sending this code, this is how you talk to him instead of the bot, the default value for the bot stop code is xxx

menu interval time: When the contact speaks with the number, for the first time, the list will appear to him, so as not to disturb him by showing it with every message he sends, because a period is required if he does not speak with the number and show it to him again This period in seconds is preferably 129600 seconds.

Time format:
% Y Symbol of the year
% m Month Symbol
% d Symbol of the Day
% H Clock icon
% M is the minute symbol
% S Second Symbol

auto replay delay: for the bot to work like a normal person, and the contact does not respond quickly, it must be delayed by a few seconds. You can set it to zero so that it is never delayed.
menu return command: When the visitor sends a sublist command and wants to re-order the main list for the list, he sends this code, by default it is 000.

Do not forget to click on the Save button to save the settings

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-06-18 11:01

Questions and solutions

How do I solve a problem with the subscription link for massejli whatsapp?

If the problem is that the subscription link in "my massejli" is not responding, as the link does not allow the customer to join WhatsApp groups, then you must make sure that all links you added on the group subscription links page are correct and modified if you update or revoke a particular link, you must edit it and it's also on my massejli board.

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-11-11 11:36

Why did the service number stop working?

Often the problem is due to the smartphone disconnecting from the Internet

First make sure that the internet on your device is very good, 4G or DSL.

After confirmation, go to the service numbers page, press the orange button to stop the number, then press the green checkmark to turn it back on, and finally scan the QR code

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-11-11 11:38

Why is the chatbot not responding to clients?

Make sure to activate the chatbot from the number preferences page in my massejli panel. If you do this and the chatbot still does not respond, the customer has stopped this service after using the special button to stop the chatbot from replying.

So you have to communicate with the customer.

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-11-12 11:21

Messages do not reach certain numbers

If your messages do not reach specific people, go to the audience page in my massejli panel, and make sure that sending them is available through the service number.

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-11-12 11:58

Why is the product not appearing in the catalog?

There are two errors that cause the product not to appear in the catalog.

First, if you click Save after you have finished entering the products, or edit and then you click Save without publishing it to the cloud, or you click on the eye next to the product.

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-11-12 12:01

Why messages are not being sent to the numbers in the Datatable?

After selecting the excel file that you want, be sure to select the number column by clicking on it, so you have confirmed the column of numbers that you want to send messages to automatically via the datatable

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-11-12 12:10

How can I cancel the link at the bottom of the message template?

If you want to cancel the link in the message template "powered by massejli", you must contact the technicians' support at my massejli service first.

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-11-12 12:35

Wordpress Plugin

Install a plugin on a WordPress site

 You can get the plugin for free from the link:


After downloading it, go to your blog's control panel, plugin, add new, and choose the massejli plugin file that you previously downloaded. Click the installation now, after installation, do the plugins to appear in the admin list with the name "WhatsApp registrants" click on it until you start customizing the plugin.

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2023-10-23 10:09

Customize your WordPress plugin

For the extension to work, the first step is to enter the WhatsApp API information that you can get from your account at my.massejli.com, after entering them correctly, click on the "Save Changes" button.
There are several sections that you can take advantage of by linking your blog to massejli service via WhatsApp:

• WhatsApp widget:
The widget appears for visitors when they visit your blog, and through it they can talk to you via WhatsApp. You can modify the texts that appear in the widget as you want and how they are displayed on the right or left of the screen.

• WhatsApp groups and WhatsApp conversations of individuals:
You can send articles to individuals and customize the way the message arrives via WhatsApp with a picture or video first, the entire article or a part of it, with the use of the message template on massejli Person or not, when choosing to send the message to individuals, you will reach a group of numbers that include a list that you can put with a look that the WhatsApp number must To be complete with the country code and without two zeros at the beginning of the plus sign

• Send a WhatsApp message from the Contact Form 7 plugin
When visitors communicate with you by default Contact Form 7 send email will be send to you, but by adding massejli you will also receive the message via WhatsApp, on the contact form page create a form tag, its type tel and name it: massejli-mobile and make it an obligatory field like this: [tel * massejli-mobile]

• Receive WooCommerce order via WhatsApp
When you activate this option, you will receive a WhatsApp message detailing the order content when the customer finishes shopping on your site.

Author: Massejli Support
Last update: 2021-06-18 11:35

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