Create a FAQ Menu

~ 0 min
2021-06-18 11:30

 the FAQ Menu  automatically answers  all the contacts who will communicate  you, you can find it on the blue sidebar. When contacts talk to you , they will see a menu contains a many subjects for each subject or command a number or code that the contact sends so massejli will resend the answer to him.

The menu works with the chat bot you find in the blueside bar so they speaks as if it is a human being and interacts with your visitors. You can add, edit, and delete Subjects, but Massejli will not apply your edits unless you save the Menu.

You can add, edit, and delete Subjects, but Massejli will not apply your edits unless you save the Menu. Massejli can know the language that the contact speaks and show him a list of topics according to his language, so you can create lists in several languages, and if the contact speaks a language that you did not add, he will send the subjects in the default language that you specified in the settings.

Add New Language button will not appear before you first add it in the Settings. When you add a subject , you must specify its location first by clicking on it, for example, to add a main subject, select menu, then click on Add subject, and this also applies to the subtopics, so you must click on the main subject from which you want to branch the subject and then click on subject Massejli can retrieve the content of a page from the Internet to send it to the contact and attach it to the subject. For example, you can send the balance of the customer's account based on the phone number he is speaking from, or send him specific subject or his last bill.

Massejli will automatically communicates  all contact on the account after activating the chatbot from the number preferences. You can import a list of instructions to add it to another account or download a FAQ Menu of new modifications from another account as well. The title of the answer is usually marked in bold, but the content of the answer is in bold type.

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