Create a massejli account
First, login to the site Press on new user register with plus sign (+) beside it, you will move to a new page to enter the information Initially, choose the account name that you want , maybe your name or the company name, it should have suits the conditions: Small letters, or Numbers , and No special characters Next, enter your first and last name . in the box of job or company enter the name of yours. Enter the password that should be more than 6 characters and contains caps and small letters and numbers. Put your email or your company’s email that you use daily Add your phone number with the country code without adding 00, besides the number should not starts with 0 example; in Lebanon customers that starts their number with 03 should directly enter 3. Finally, solve the equation and press submit.
Then an account will be created for you in and a similar account to manage bills in you can log in into with the same email and password that you entered the first time .