Create a massejli account
First, login to the site Press on new user register with plus sign (+) beside it, you will move to a new page to ...
Create a campaign
To add a campaign or search for a campaign, you must click on the campaigns tab in the blue sidebar. To search for a campaign, ...
Create a file in data table
You can send messages to each person separately by insert them in excel only
click on the plus sign in the data table to show you ...
Catalog introduction
Press catalog in the blue sidebar, and create a new catalog for all the numbers in your account.
The catalog is the website of your store, ...
Catalog configuration
First, you will choose the language or languages of the catalog by clicking on the Language button, and you will be required to use these ...
Catalog Category
You can classified products by categories, press add categories, choose the category photo type jpg jpeg png gif. Then give it a name, make sure ...
Catalog products
You can list products in each category, by clicking on Add Product.
If you want to list the product among the favorite products, press the star ...
Create a FAQ Menu
the FAQ Menu automatically answers all the contacts who will communicate you, you can find it on the blue sidebar. When contacts talk to you ...
Customize your WordPress plugin
For the extension to work, the first step is to enter the WhatsApp API information that you can get from your account at, after ...