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37 search results

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  • Account management: Bills and Payments
    Answer:  In order to be able to view the bills and payments, we have linked your account to, and you can access it by logging ...
  • Account management: My Account "Edit account information"
    Answer:  You can modify all your account information except for the email and account name by logging into the home page, then log in to your ...
  • Account management: Logout of massejli
    Answer:   When you finish using your account on Massejli, it is recommended to click on Logout located at the end of the blue sidebar. This is ...
  • Account management: Login
    Answer:   On the home page enter account name and password then press on submit After loging to your account your personal picture will appear as you can ...
  • Service phone numbers: Number preferences
    Answer:  The admin number is the number of the person who receives the notifications, for example if you want to inform him if someone speaks in ...
  • Account management: Activate massejli account for the first time
    Answer:  Click on start work, then we will move you to a new page. You will notice that there are locks next to each service and this ...
  • Account management: Create a massejli account
    Answer: First, login to the site Press on new user register with plus sign (+) beside it, you will  move to a new page to ...
  • Send messages: The content of the message "Multimedia"
    Answer: Click "Send message"  in the blue sidebar enables you to type the message you want to send. Write the message title in the field assigned ...
  • Send messages: The target audience and timing
    Answer:  Choose the number that will send the message, and then specify the recipient to them: to all groups contained in the number or to all ...
  • Campaigns: Create a campaign
    Answer:    To add a campaign or search for a campaign, you must click on the campaigns tab in the blue sidebar. To search for a campaign, ...

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